Doctor E

Doctor : Francis Francis 1867.
Tag : 3 or 4 turns of gold twist.
Tail : A topping.
Butt : Scarlet crewel.
Body : Pale blue floss.
Ribs : Silver tinsel. With larger hooks silver twist beside it.
Hackle : One or two shades darker as body, from tail to head. ( sometimes varied with Jay hackle).
Shoulder : Brown Grouse, Partridge or Bustard. A Jay is sometimes used over the blue hackle.
Wings : mixed : Bustard, dark Turkey, Argus Pheasant, Swan dyed claret, blue and yellow; the last predominating.
            In smaller flies Mallard and Pintail are introduced.
Head : Scarlet crewel.
Doctor : Tolfrey, Jones's guide.
Tail : Golden Pheasant and Teal.
Tag : Gold twist and scarlet Mohair.
Body : Pale blue silk.
Ribs : Silver tinsel.
Hackle : Jay or a black hackle.
Wings : (Mixed) Mallard, Teal, Bustard, Guinea hen Turkey, Green Parrot, and blue and red Macaw.
Head : Read
N.B. A topping is sometimes added.