Green Islander E

Green Islander : Met dank aan Colin Innes.
Tag : Silver twist and gold color floss.
Tail : A topping, red parrot, and widgeon.
Butt : Black ostrich.
Body : Two turns gold colour floss, remainder light pea green fur, very much picked out.
Ribbed : Flat silver tinsel (broad) and silver twist.
Hackle : Light pea green, commencing at gold colour floss and closely wound on.
Shoulder : Light yellow hackle – medium quantity.
Wing : First, two broad strips of brown turkey feather, with long black band and longish white stip, then two strips
           bustard, married strips blue and green swan, and lastly (on top), strips of pheasant tail feather.
Cheeks : Jungle, single.
Horns : Blue Macaw.
Head : Black wool.